MARiso code is available here: **https://gitlab.com/Mar-Group/MARv3/-/tree/mariso**
The code is freely distributed, you just have to log to gitlab to access it.
1.1 Implementation of water stable isotopes without fractionation
Add water stable isotopes for each water component and check if the water is correctly tracked.
Add isotopes as standard outputs
- Water isotopes added for each water component (see last section).
- Mass transfers between water components applied similarly to the water isotopes without fractionation.
- Water isotopes advected as classical water components by the dynamical core of the model.
- Fixed isotopic values at the lateral boundaries and for model initialization.
1.2 Implementation of isotope forcing without fractionation
Implement the isotopic forcing (inputs) of the regional climate model without fractionation.
- Interpolation of the isotopic composition of water vapor modeled by LMDZiso for MAR forcing and initialization.
- Isotopic composition of clouds, precipitation and drifting snow (Table 1) initialized with water vapor ratios.
- Isotopic composition at the surface of the ocean: global seawater 18-O database (Schmidt et al., 1999)
- Isotopic composition of the snow: Antarctic snow isotopic composition database (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2008)
1.3 Implementation of fractionation coefficients
Implement fractionation for each phase change.
- Fractionation equations following LMDZiso, with adapted equations for polar regions (Jouzel and Melivat, 1984).
- Use MAR specificities for improving the isotope fractionation: super-saturation, mixed-phase clouds, drifting snow.
Model set-up, forcing, existing parameterizations and future implementations
- Model set-up
- Forcings
- Water components included in MAR
- Water stable isotopes to be implemented in MAR